Elegant Summer Bouquet
Elegant Summer Bouquet
This elegant summer bouquet combines delicate shades of pink, peach, and white roses with peach carnations, complemented by fresh green eucalyptus leaves and tiny baby's breath flowers. The bouquet is tied with a soft pink ribbon, giving it a sophisticated and romantic appearance. Perfect for celebrations, anniversaries, or as a gift for someone special
Product code: P00251 Shipping and Payment
This elegant summer bouquet combines delicate shades of pink, peach, and white roses with peach carnations, complemented by fresh green eucalyptus leaves and tiny baby's breath flowers. The bouquet is tied with a soft pink ribbon, giving it a sophisticated and romantic appearance. Perfect for celebrations, anniversaries, or as a gift for someone special
Product code: P00251 Shipping and Payment
Veľkosť | S, M, L, XL |
Kvety a rastliny | Ruža, Diantus, Gypsophilla, Eucalyptus |
Farba |