Multicolored Summer Bouquet
Multicolored Summer Bouquet
Bring joy and color to any space with this stunning multicolored summer bouquet. The combination of orange gerberas, pink roses, zinnias, and celosia creates a vibrant and cheerful appearance. Light green lisianthus and delicate white baby's breath add elegance and freshness to the bouquet. Perfect for any occasion, from celebrations to special moments with your loved ones.
Product code: P00242 Shipping and Payment
Bring joy and color to any space with this stunning multicolored summer bouquet. The combination of orange gerberas, pink roses, zinnias, and celosia creates a vibrant and cheerful appearance. Light green lisianthus and delicate white baby's breath add elegance and freshness to the bouquet. Perfect for any occasion, from celebrations to special moments with your loved ones.
Product code: P00242 Shipping and Payment
Veľkosť | S, M, L, XL |
Kvety a rastliny | Ruža, Eustoma, Gerbera, Gypsophilla, Eucalyptus, Nevädza |
Farba |