Pastel Baby's Breath Bouquet
Pastel Baby's Breath Bouquet
This stunning bouquet of pastel-colored baby's breath is the perfect expression of delicacy and beauty. The combination of pink, blue, purple, and white tiny flowers creates a dreamy and romantic appearance. The bouquet is ideal for special occasions such as weddings, celebrations, or simply to delight someone special with its originality and colorful palette.
Product code: P00249 Shipping and Payment
This stunning bouquet of pastel-colored baby's breath is the perfect expression of delicacy and beauty. The combination of pink, blue, purple, and white tiny flowers creates a dreamy and romantic appearance. The bouquet is ideal for special occasions such as weddings, celebrations, or simply to delight someone special with its originality and colorful palette.
Product code: P00249 Shipping and Payment
Veľkosť | S, M, L, XL |
Kvety a rastliny | Gypsophilla |
Farba |