Summer Romantic Rose Bouquet
Summer Romantic Rose Bouquet
This beautiful summer bouquet combines light pink and cream roses with delicate lisianthus flowers and pale blue hydrangeas. Small white waxflower blossoms and green eucalyptus leaves add freshness and fullness to the bouquet, while the soft white feathers add a special touch of elegance. This bouquet is perfect for romantic occasions, celebrations, or as an expression of gratitude and love for someone special.
Product code: P00254 Shipping and Payment
This beautiful summer bouquet combines light pink and cream roses with delicate lisianthus flowers and pale blue hydrangeas. Small white waxflower blossoms and green eucalyptus leaves add freshness and fullness to the bouquet, while the soft white feathers add a special touch of elegance. This bouquet is perfect for romantic occasions, celebrations, or as an expression of gratitude and love for someone special.
Product code: P00254 Shipping and Payment