Yellow Carnation Bouquet

Yellow Carnation Bouquet

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Brighten someone's day with this stunning bouquet that combines delicate light yellow carnations and elegant light pink roses. This bouquet is perfectly arranged to bring joy and light to any space. Carnations symbolize admiration, and roses express gentle love, making this bouquet an ideal gift for any occasion—from birthdays to anniversaries or just to show someone your appreciation.

Product code: P00241 Shipping and Payment

from 35 €
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Brighten someone's day with this stunning bouquet that combines delicate light yellow carnations and elegant light pink roses. This bouquet is perfectly arranged to bring joy and light to any space. Carnations symbolize admiration, and roses express gentle love, making this bouquet an ideal gift for any occasion—from birthdays to anniversaries or just to show someone your appreciation.

Product code: P00241 Shipping and Payment

Veľkosť S, M, L, XL
Kvety a rastliny Ruža, Diantus
Farba BielaViacfarebnáŽltá